Stones Hill Community Church is driven by One Mission, One Process, and One Set of Core Values.Our mission is to lead people to God’s forgiveness and to see them restored to all that God created them to be.The process is simple: Connect. Grow. Serve. Connect with this community, grow in your spiritual life, and use your ability to serve others in some way.
The following set of core values reveals our top priorities:
Our Vision
God-Centered. Stones Hill Community Church believes that God is eternally existent, co-equal in three persons (forms): The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. As a holy, loving and infinite being, the Godhead is to be exalted and adored above all things. Therefore, our desire is for all to be driven by the motivation to glorify God.
People-Centered. Stones Hill Community Church is a place where people are valued and challenged. We strive to discover each others stories through fellowship with God and one another and we seek to help discern their next steps on their faith journey as we do life together. We expect the members of Stones Hill to attend church regularly, be plugged into a small group, participate in equipping classes, and we encourage them to be good stewards of their time and money.
Family-Centered. Stones Hill Community Church is a place where families are loved and trained to pass on faith to the next generation. We love families and believe that an authentic, vibrant faith comes from experiencing a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We will encourage, equip and train parents and children to live this “life of faith” openly in their homes and in family centered environments where God’s Spirit can transform them. In doing this, a legacy of faith and love will be seen in generations to come.
Participant-Centered. Stones Hill is a place where we challenge people to participate with Christ according to the gifting that He gives us to accomplish His good and perfect will. Participation in the church body needs to be the natural out pouring of the transformation and renewal that is occurring on the inside of a Christ follower, whether it be during a worship service on a Sunday morning or dinner table devotions with your family at home.
Bible-Centered. Stones Hill Community Church is a place where scripture is the foundation and final authority of truth. It is the reliable compass which points true north to the Creator. The Bible is relevant, answering the basic questions people are asking today: Where did we come from? What is my purpose? What’s gone wrong in the world? How do we fix it? Only the Holy Scriptures provide the proper framework that best explains and helps us make sense of reality. Therefore, we are committed to presenting the living, active Word through expository preaching.
Community-Centered. God is calling all of us to do life together. No lone rangers! As we involve ourselves in our new community, we naturally direct our focus from ourselves and become others- focused. We desire to make a transformational impact in our community through prayer, outreach events, random acts of kindness, team work with other area churches, and our support of local programs and benevolent organizations. Our goal is to build a better community through uniting the community, rather than dividing.
Disciple-Centered. Stones Hill Community Church is a place where people can seek and find the truth as it has been graciously given to us in Jesus. The hope is that all seekers will become fully devoted Christ-followers and will be mentored into this new life of obedience and surrender.
Mission, Process, and Values Together
Because people matter to God, they matter to us. So, when an individual journeys with this people-centered group of Christ-followers, they will experience God’s forgiveness. They will be nudged toward life-restoration each week through Bible-centered messages. They are encouraged to connect with others in God-centered worship experiences, and in participant-centered small groups, and in family-centered ministries and classes, and in disciple-centered mentoring relationships. They are encouraged to grow in their walk with God and in their relationship with others. And, they are encouraged to apply and live out in real life all the new things they are learning by serving others in a community-centered environment. This is Life in Community.